What Type of Content Small Businesses Should Put on Their Blogs to Increase Engagement?
Owning a blog is an interesting way to share information and opinion and lately it is being used by various corporate houses to spread information and also to earn money through blog monetization. Owning a blog is an amazing way of increasing the social media engagement of your business.
Below we provide you with 6 interesting tips with regard to the type of content you must post on your blog, which will further escalate the social media engagement of your brand and will help you secure better returns.
1. Unique and Interesting
This is one golden rule that any small business must keep in mind before posting the content on the blog. Not posting unique content will do more harm than good. Your blog can even get black listed by various search engines, which is simply disastrous. Besides, even the unique content posted should make up for an interesting read. If the tone of the content is sordid and dull, no one is going to read it anyway.
2. Use separate paragraph and eye catching headings
Unlike print media, readers don’t read web content, they scan it rather. Thus it is very important for you to come up with blog content that can be scanned easily. Break big chunks in small paragraphs, use bullet and hash points and also use eye catching headings that would make up for an interesting read.
3. Blog about current affairs and express your opinion
You must try to use anything which afresh and popular with the masses, to leverage your blog. Inform them about any recent developments and while you are doing so, always sum it all up with an opinion. Blog readers don’t just look for information or facts, but they want to know the implications of such information. Tell them how a recent development will affect their lives, or what you feel about a particular issue.
4. Use social media sharing plugins
Social media is the biggest option available for you to bring in unique visitors to your blog. Thus make your content easily viable to social networks like Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter etc. You can ensure the same by using any of the popular social media share plugins. The greater the social media marketing of your blog is, the better it is for your business.
5. Control the loading time of your page
If the web content of your blog contains heavy images, videos etc, it will take longer for the page to load and quite frankly, only readers too impatient and cranky to wait for it to load. Thus use light weighed images and post a major chunk of the content above the fold.
6. Use images and info graphics
Images have a positive impact on the readers and they prefer viewing a piece of information, instead of reading them. So put your Photoshop and image editing skills to some good use and come up with interesting images etc in order to drive more traffic to your blog.