The Great Importance of Images in Advertising

Trite as it may sound, “Pictures are worth a thousand words,” is a truism no graphic designer or public relations agent ignores. The reality is that what an individual views is rarely forgotten. Sight is the most powerful sense when it comes to retaining an event in memory. Embedding images into advertising not only helps keep the image in memory longer, but also encourages the viewer to read the full content accompanying an advertisement. The biggest waste of business revenue is a full-page ad containing only written content and not a single image to disrupt the monotony. The viewer of the image may read a line or two of the content. However, the daunting task of reading further may be too time-consuming.

How To Create an Ad They Can’t Forget

In order for ads to be effective, they must be creative. Advertising agents know they have approximately three seconds to capture attention of the public. Creating the “hook” that holds attention needs to be crafted by inspiration, ingenuity, innovation and images. These are the four “I” words crucial to an ad they can’t forget.

What Inspires Attention?

To create the unforgettable ad, know what inspires. Once the vantage point of public inspiration is determined, create the hook that keeps attention. Think of advertising as a triptych in three panels. The panels all tell a story even though each is separate. Breaking an ad into 3 phases creates a story. It also impels the viewer to remain focused and curious to know what comes next. When images are strategically embedded into advertisements that hold their interest, the result is an ad they can’t forget.

Building the “Story” In an Ad

Quickly catch attention with an image in phase one of the ad. Make the image potent enough to dare the viewer to continue on to the next phase. Choose strong copy content that’s brief, powerful and easily linked to the first image. The second image should be stronger than the first in order to hold attention. In this phase, the viewer will ask themselves, “What’s next?” Any accompanying content should leave the viewer with another question or create a subtle guess as what the goal of the ad might be. This moves them to phase three of the story. This is the point at which the ad proves validity by allowing viewers to sense a need for more information or provides an irresistible offer.

Author’s Bio: Frank Smith the author of Geeky Edge & Edesign Tuts is widely acknowledged as one of those with the keenest understanding of trends in business, social media, technology, web development and webdesign.