Car wraps, also called vehicle wraps can offer your car a beautiful design and an appealing look. If you do not like the plain look of your car then you should try vehicle wraps to beautify your car. The vehicle wraps are the greatest challenges the graphic designers face across the world. A car wrap is much difficult to design as compared to a billboard or site signage.

Vehicle wraps can be an effective marketing tool for small businesses. Buses and Cars are great advertising tools as they have a large space and seen by many people on the road. The vehicle wraps are made up of vinyl sheets that can be easily pasted on the surface of vehicles.

Here are some of the best tips to design the perfect vehicle wraps which can advertise any business or brand effectively:

Start with a great brand

Most of the vehicle wraps fail because of the poor brand identity. For a small business, it is most important to create a brand image in the minds of people. Starting advertising with a poor brand means you have failed before the start. You will waste your hard earned money on wraps if you failed to create a brand image. Therefore it is the best to advertise your brand before advertising your products of services.

Dimensions of the vehicle

The design and surface of the vehicle should be taken into consideration while designing the wrap for advertising. You should hire an experienced designer who could study and consider every angle and curve of the vehicle. This helps the designer to design a wrap which can be easily pasted on the vehicle so that the image or message does not get sliced or distorted into pieces. If you have a business in Brisbane, you can search for the car signage Brisbane to find the designers who create vehicle wraps.

Don’t use images

Most of the marketers and designers may disagree with this point as images create a visual appeal in signage. However, an image is not the brand identity of a business and building a brand is the most important for small businesses. You should not use large images in the vehicle wraps unless you are an established brand and people already know about your business. Instead use a sign, symbol or name that better represents your brand.

Limit the things you show

A great vehicle wrap shows only a strong brand, a tagline message and a web address or contact number. Showing anything more than that would reduce the effectiveness of the advertisement as people tend to remember only 2 to 3 things at a time. If you try to advertise a list of products or services on a vehicle wrap, it will be difficult for the viewers to remember all the things and even your brand. It is better to show only the important things that you want the viewers to remember to make your advertising a success. ‘

Design to stand out

The purpose of a vehicle wrap is to let the people remember what you show on the wrap. Create a design which shows your brand, offerings and contact clearly. Use bold colors with good contrast which attracts the attention of the viewers. Try to use less text and colors so that people can read easily what you want them to remember. Avoid all the noisy backgrounds, images, bevels, and glows at all cost as they create visual clutter. If the viewer has to work hard to figure out the main message, you will lose a potential customer. So it is better to keep the design as simple as possible.


Following the above tips will help you design the perfect vehicle wrap that can help you show the message you want to convey to people. Simple designs with bold text and colors are enough to create a vehicle wrap that advertises your brand and offerings to your potential customers.