Photographing is a process supposed to be associated with excitement and passion. As such, the results should bring the satisfaction that the photographer is always looking for. The process just requires patience and one should always try different angles and positioning when taking photos.

Aerial photographs are the ones taken for an object on the ground from an elevated position and while the camera is not supported by a ground based supporting structure. Aerial photographs can be divided into three: oblique photographs (those taken at an angle), vertical photographs (taken straight down) or a combination of different panoramas.

Photographing wildlife is very exciting and because successive wildlife photographing mostly relies on not disturbing the natural habitat and behaviour of the wildlife, aerial photographing is the most suitable method. This ensures you take all your photos as the wildlife remains calm. This can be achieved by taking photos from the air using balloons, helicopters, fixed wing aircrafts, vehicle mounted poles or parachutes. Because of the distance between the camera and the wildlife targeted, the camera being used should be a very powerful one if one is to get nice photos. The zoom of the camera should be high to get sharper photos.

When set up for aerial wildlife photographing, a helicopter would be preferable to a plane. This is because helicopters can fly at any altitudes unlike planes.

A digital camera is better as one can do a photo preview when taking the photos. Have a memory card which is as big as you can afford for taking as many photos as possible, then you can review them at the ground and chose the ones to use. The way to get clear sharp photos is by reducing motion blur while taking the photos from a helicopter or plane.

Therefore take into consideration the following:

1.Aircraft speed-the slower the speed, the better.
2. Shutter speed – faster shutter is better as it freezes motion.
3. Iso setting of the camera- higher settings gives you faster shutter speeds especially if the sunshine is less brilliant.
4. Camera on a tripod using a self timer or a cable release- this reduces the chances of the photographer’s fingers jostling the camera.
5. Use of gyro mounts to reduce the motion effects and also vibrations.

Slow and low flights are preferable also to get sharper photos. The time of the day also matters: the best time is during the first hours or the last hours of the day. This will ensure that the sun’s angle will produce shadows that will enable viewers to see the wildlife on the ground clearly in a photo.

After ensuring all the above factors have been taken care of, have a nice aerial photographing session. Be a lover of wildlife and preview each and every photo you take. Go to Masai Mara national park in Kenya and enjoy every moment as you watch the “eighth wonder of the world” as the wildebeests cross from the Mara to Serengeti every season. Capture all that in photographs and video too and you will be ensured of enjoying the photos/video every moment you go through them!

About Author : Abbas Hussain, Blogger who talks about all types of photography for , companies such as Aerial Photos.